C program Sum and Average of N numbers

It has two C program to do sum and average of N numbers.

  1. Sum of N numbers - N integers are given to it as input and return sum of input integers as result
  2. Average of N numbers - N integers are given to it as input and return average of inputs integers as result

Sum of N numbers - algorithm

The input N integers read from user add the N integers store result into a variable sum. and then prints sum value after end of loop.

         set sum=0
         Read N integers
         For i=1  to N
             sum = sum + integers[i]
         End For 

         print sum                    

Average of N numbers - algorithm

The input N integers read from user add the N integers store result into a variable sum. after end of loop, divide sum value by N and store results into a variable average, then prints average value .

         set sum=0,avg=0
         Read N integers
         For i=1  to N
             sum = sum + integers[i]
         End For 

         avg = sum / N
         print avg          

Sum of N numbers -C programming code


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

   int N; 
   printf ("\n Find sum of N numbers ");
   printf("\n Enter value for N:" );
   scanf("%d", &N);
   int *val=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
   int sum=0;
   for( int i=0;i< N ; i++ ) {
     printf("\n Enter %dth  value :"  ,i);
     scanf("%d", &val[i]);
     sum = sum + val[i] ;
   printf("\nThe sum of N numbers is =%d",sum);    
   return 0;


Sum of N numbers -C program Output

 Find sum of N numbers
 Enter value for N:5

 Enter 0th  value :10
 Enter 1th  value :20
 Enter 2th  value :32
 Enter 3th  value :21
 Enter 4th  value :32

The sum of N numbers is =115

Average of N numbers -C programming code


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

   int N; 
   printf ("\n Find average of N numbers ");
   printf("\n Enter value for N:" );
   scanf("%d", &N);
   int *val=(int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
   float sum=0;
   for( int i=0;i< N ; i++ ) {
     printf("\n Enter %dth  value :" ,i );
     scanf("%d", &val[i]);
     sum = sum + val[i] ;
   float avg = sum/N;   
   printf("\nThe average of N numbers is = %.2f",avg);    
   return 0;


Average of N numbers -C program Output

 Find average of N numbers
 Enter value for N:5

 Enter 0th  value :6
 Enter 1th  value :8
 Enter 2th  value :2
 Enter 3th  value :5
 Enter 4th  value :2

The average of N numbers is = 4.60

Download c program source code


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