C program Biggest of 3 number
The following two C program finds biggest of given 3 numbers read from the user using if conditional statement and ternary operator. The input 3 numbers read from user as inputs and finds biggest number from the inputs.
IF condition and ternary operator
if-else ladder
if ( <condition-1> ) { <statements 1 > } else if ( <condtion-2>) { <statements 2 > } else { <statements 3 > }
- if-else ladder has successive one or more if and if-else conditional statements,
- if any one of condition satisfied in if-else ladder, control executes following statements enclosed by curly brace { <statement>} and then control come out of if-else ladder.
- if a condition is not satisfied in if-else ladder, control goes to next condition else-if (<statement>).
- if none of condition satisfied in if-else ladder, the control executes else part of statement.
Ternary operator
A ternary operator consists of a ? (question mark) and a : (colon) symbol.<condtion > ? <statements-1 > : <statements-2 > ;
- The ternary operator it executes like a if-else statement, but it is composed of if-else as single line of conditional statement.
- if condition is satisfied, the following ? (question mark) statement-1 is executed.
- if condition is not satisfied, the following : (colon) statement-2 is executed.
- statement-1 and statement-2 must be single-line of statement
Biggest of 3 number - IF conditional C program
The C program finds biggest of given 3 numbers using IF else ladder conditional statements and prints it result as biggest of given numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a,b,c;
printf ("Find a biggest number among 3 numbers");
printf("\n Enter value for a :" );
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("\n Enter value for b :" );
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("\n Enter value for c :" );
scanf("%d", &c);
if ( a>b && a>c )
printf("\n a=%d is biggest ",a);
else if ( b > c )
printf("\n b=%d is biggest ",b);
printf("\n c=%d is biggest ",c);
return 0;
Biggest of 3 number - IF conditional C program Output
Find a biggest number among 3 numbers Enter value for a 23 Enter value for a 22 Enter value for a 11 The a =23 is biggest
Biggest of 3 number - ternary Operator C program
The C program finds biggest of given 3 numbers using ternary operators and prints it result as biggest of given numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a,b,c;
int big;
printf ("Find a biggest number among 3 numbers");
printf("\n Enter value for a :" );
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("\n Enter value for b :" );
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("\n Enter value for c :" );
scanf("%d", &c);
big = (a>b && a>c) ? a : (b>c) ? b : c;
printf("\n The biggest is %d",big);
return 0;
Biggest of 3 number - ternary Operator C program output
Find a biggest number among 3 numbers Enter value for a 10 Enter value for a 12 Enter value for a 17 The biggest is 17
Download c program source code
- Biggest among 3 number using if-else ladder condition
- Biggest among 3 number using ternary operator">decimal to binary
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